Aug 4, 2020

John Doerr on big tech trends of the future

Barron's: What are the big tech trends that investors ought to watch today?

John Doerr: About every dozen years in the tech world there is a tsunami—a huge wave of disruption. I have been fortunate to witness three, and I’ll predict the fourth. In the 1980s, it was the microchip and personal computer. The biggest winners were Intel and Microsoft [MSFT]. Then came the internet wave, which created winners such as and Google. Mobile was the next wave; Apple’s iPhone was launched in 2007. We’re almost at the end of that wave. The next one will be artificial intelligence, or AI, which will build on the three prior waves. It will be even larger.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are unlocking capabilities that previously were unthinkable. Autonomous vehicles are one example, but AI will be used to improve health care, better understand language and knowledge, improve fraud detection, make systems more secure, and much more.

~ John Doerr, "John Doerr on Leadership, Education, Google, and AI," Barron's, May 5, 2018

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