Aug 5, 2020

Eric Peters on coerced mask wearing

The Imposed Diaper is the visible symbol of the coerced submission of the thinking individual to an idea he finds foolish and absurd; it is no different than making an adult suck his thumb – or put his thumb in another place – as the price of being permitted to go out in public or go into a place of business. 


The absurdity of the thing carries with it a malevolent thing, which is the coerced pretending that it isn’t absurd. Which it obviously would be if people were left to to not Diaper because many who do think wouldn’t. This would increase the visibility of the absurd – and thereby make the absurd uncomfortable. 

Which might prompt them to think rather than feel. To conquer their fear, spread over the air with a virulence the virus has never even fractionally approached. 

Precisely what cannot be allowed to happen

By forcing all to Diaper, the fear is maintained by making it appear reasonable. After all, everyone looks afraid. Surely there must a be reason to be afraid. The effect on children and young adults must be especially severe – and damaging. 

The sight of the occasional Undiapered becomes a source of anger rather than a reproach. He is a danger – and it is true. A danger to the feelings of the fractured. The feeling that the fractured might look foolish.

That they’ve been had.

~ Eric Peters, "In Your Face," Eric Peters Autos, August 3, 2020

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