Aug 3, 2020

Vasko Kohlmayer on admiration for non-western cultures

It is truly paradoxical that those who charge the West with being oppressive often in the same breath express admiration for non-western cultures, almost all of which grossly violate human rights of their people and often subject them to procedures that can only be rightfully described as barbaric. This glaring contradiction betrays the critics’ true motives and shows that their attack on the West – which is the only civilization willing and capable of producing free and non-oppressive societies – is completely disingenuous. Rather than seeking justice for all people, their criticism is motivated by ideological reasons that has little to do with the reality of the situation on the ground.

~ Vasko Kohlmayer, "The Truth About the West: The Only Non-Oppressive Civilization,", August 3, 2020

Vasko Kohlmayer (@VaskoKohlmayer) | Twitter

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