Aug 5, 2020

Walter Williams: Leaders of ISIS and the Taliban call angry mobs destroying statues in the U.S. “inspiring but a bit amateur"

Leaders of ISIS and the Taliban have called the recent U.S. trend of angry mobs destroying statues “inspiring but a bit amateur,” and agreed to send advisers to Antifa and other far-left groups on how to erase historical artifacts. “Destroying all art, culture and history from previous eras is obviously constructive,” said ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi. “But they’ve got to do it in a more dramatic way. We beheaded statues with a sword. The Taliban blew up ancient Buddhas with dynamite. Tying a statue to a truck and dragging it down just doesn’t have the same dramatic effect.”

~ Walter Williams, "The Leftist Effort to Destroy American History,", August 5, 2020

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