May 16, 2024

Tom DiLorenzo on the Seven Deadly Sins of politics

All politicians everywhere, including Israel, are showcases of the Seven Deadly Sins.  Self-pride trumps humility for starters.  What member of Congress is not an egomaniac?  Envy poisons the heart of every proponent of “income redistribution” schemes, the cornerstone of welfarism everywhere. 

Wrath is what one experiences whenever one opposes the state.  Ask all the doctors who had their medical licenses cancelled after questioning the covid “vaccines.”  Even Tucker Carlson was smeared as a “Russian asset” for opposing the American financing of Ukraine in its war with Russia. 

Sloth has always been associated with government bureaucracy.  No one likes being called a “bureaucrat.”  Then of course there is greed.  Greed for power and money animates national and state capitals everywhere.  No institutions anywhere are more greedy for money than public employee unions, for example or the thousands of other “special-interest groups” that scheme endlessly to rob the treasury.

Gluttony is on display everywhere as well with the ostentatious lifestyles and conspicuous wealth of ruling classes.  Nor are politicians unfamiliar with the sin of lust, especially the lust for power over others, dubbed by Judge Andrew Napolitano as “libido dominande” or “lust to dominate.”

~ Tom DiLorenzo, "Christian Worship of the False Gold of Politics,", May 16, 2024

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