May 17, 2024

Alan Futerman on those who justify the means of Hamas

Danny Woods: Attacking people just because you think you own their land or they might've taken it, bombing them, killing them, taking their children, killing the elderly, kidnapping babies, this is not in any way a legal representation that would be considered valid.  It cannot be.  And then to defend that system and say, "oh, you see the other person who's wrong because of this thing he did a long time ago," it's so utterly lopsided.  The argument is so wrong...  It's completely wrong and someone who justifies that, it's crazy, justifying the most deepest wrongs and evils man can commit...

Alan Futerman: The point I mentioned about Jew hatred explains so because if you're fighting absolute evil, if you're fighting a cosmic battle and you are fighting evil, everything's permitted.  The ends justify the means.  You can do whatever you want.  And even if you do something that is horrendous, "well, it had to be done"...  So this is not just something you see among Jew haters only.  In this context, you can take anyone on the intersectionality camp and they use exactly the same argument.  They say, "well, if you fight colonizers, if you fight settler colonialists, if you fight oppressors, if you fight etc., all bets are off and you can do whatever you want."  This is the type of totalitarian mentality that allows people to think they can do whatever they want.

~ Alan Futerman, "Block, Futerman on Hoppe, Israel and Hamas," Individualist Origins, 43:45 mark, May 15, 2024

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