Jun 5, 2020

Ryan McMaken on the connection between the Covid-19 lockdowns and the BLM riots

There were many reasons to oppose the COVID-19 lockdowns. They cost human lives in terms of deferred medical treatmentThey cost human lives in terms of greater suicide and drug overdoses. Domestic abuse and child abuse have increased. There is also good reason to believe that lockdowns don't actually work. The lockdown activists capitalized on media-stoked fear to push their authoritarian agenda based not on science, but on the whims of a handful of experts who insisted that they need not present any actual evidence that their bizarre, draconian, and extreme scheme was worth the danger posed to human rights, health, and the economic well-being of billions of human beings.

Those who lacked the obsessive and irresponsible tunnel vision of the prolockdown people warned that there were other dangers as well, in terms of social and political conflict.

~ Ryan McMaken, "Three Ways Lockdowns Paved the Way for These Riots," Mises.org, June 2, 2020


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