Jun 6, 2020

Kevin Duffy on police reform

Ending the drug war and victimless crimes may be the lowest hanging fruit to police reform. Strangely, raising speed limits might also reduce harassment of peaceful, law abiding citizens.

The problem with socialism, of course, is the system. Tweak it all you want and hire the best people, and it will still ultimately fail. Police services are no different. The past 3 months reveal an epic failure of the police. They were very efficient at shutting down businesses (owned by peaceful, law abiding citizens), but when it came time to protecting those same businesses from hoodlums, they failed.

There are also the deep roots of moral decline, and not just in the black community where approximately 70% of children are born out of wedlock. If your cultural belief is that you're a victim of racism and/or exploitation by capitalists, and that education - the normal ticket out of poverty - is a tool to subjugate you, cultural deviancy is assured.

I have a white friend who grew up poor. He told me how he was afraid of getting beaten up for studying and trying to get ahead. Of course, the public schools have now become propaganda mills, poisoning young minds with victimology.

Another deep root is the welfare state, which provides incentives for the less fortunate to become dependent on the state and stay trapped. By taking over private welfare functions, the state eliminates the glue that holds communities and families together.

~ Kevin Duffy, Facebook post, June 5, 2020

Receiving a Traffic Ticket: The Complete Process

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