Mar 1, 2025

Kevin Duffy: Is Trump a Trojan horse?

The good news is that the Left bet it all on Covid stimulus, vaccines, ESG, DEI, transgender athletes, preferred pronouns and climate change. This was classic hubris at the top of a bubble, i.e. collective detachment from reality. When bubbles burst, you get major reversals. The Trump phenomenon is largely a reaction to the idiocy of the Left. 

The bad news is that Biden was, in many ways, a continuation and even acceleration of Trump 1.0. E.g., Trump's response to Covid was to go large, resulting in a 20% increase in government spending. To help pay for it, the Fed expanded its balance sheet 79% in 11 months. Trump jumpstarted the vaccines (Operation Warp Speed). Trump started a trade war with China. Trump even created the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in 2018 which led to censorship under Biden. 

I fear that Trump is not the man riding in on the white horse to save the day, but more like a Trojan horse pedaling the same failed policies of the Left, sold to his supporters as anti-Left.

~ Kevin Duffy, Facebook post, March 1, 2025

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