Aug 10, 2024

Mark Thornton reviews 'A Tale of Four Cities'

Book reviews typically don't fit nicely into the mission of this podcast, which is to bring current issues under the microscope of Austrian economics.  We also bring attention to issues that are not in the mainstream media or academia that Austrian economists consider important.  However, today I'm going to review a new book.  It's a book that's almost entirely about history.  However, the book's purpose and message, as I see it, is about addressing an unraveling the burning issues of today.  And moreover, it addresses them with powerful insights based in part on Austrian economics.  I am sure that my audience will appreciate reading the commentary quoted from various Austrian economists, Old Right writers and the sage advice of history concerning important issues, instead of just various minions of the state.

The book is titled, A Tale of Four Cities: From Invisible Hand to Cancel Culture.  The author is Philip Duffy.  I'm going to avoid telling the author's story, but just for your curiosity, the four cities from the title are Paris, London, Rome and Munich, in that historical order, and that provides some clues.

~ Mark Thornton, "Minor Issues: A Tale of Four Cities,", August 3, 2024

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