Jul 9, 2024

Clyde Prestowitz on Joe Biden's support of Israel

Joe was not a bad senator, but neither was he an outstanding one.  He had a major distinction as a big backer of Israel and was the all time champion for collection of campaign funding from the America Israel Political Action Committee. 

As a Vice President and adviser to the young President Obama, he provided, I thought, valuable experiential advice and realism.  He also, of course, had the opportunity to spend eight years in the White House watching how it worked, absorbing all the intelligence reports of the years and meeting all the world’s top leaders. 

This is where I thought Joe gained a real geo-political edge.  No one except a President, and in this case a Vice President, gets this experience and this view of the world and the world’s leaders.  Joe was well ready to run and win in 2020 and was, in my mind, the best guy for the job at the time. 

He has done a decent job over the past four years.  But he has also slipped badly physically and mentally over the past two years.  He is not the Joe we elected in 2020. 

But there are two things even more important.  One is great danger that he cannot beat Trump in his present state.  The second is that Joe and his undying commitment to Israel are at odds with what is good for America, for Israel, and for the middle east.  He does not understand that Prime Minister Netanyahu is running rings around him (Joe).  He does not understand that Israel is not only a genocidal country but that it is making America one too.  By standing steadfastly with the Zionist drive to destroy Palestine and Palestinians, he is destroying American credibility globally and driving domestic division. 

This is why I say now, TIME TO GO JOE.

~ Clyde Prestowitz, "Gotta Go Joe: Determination is not enough," July 9, 2024

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