Jun 7, 2024

Stephen A. Smith on resentment in the WNBA towards Caitlin Clark

So when I go on national television and I bring up jealousy, envy, resentment or whatever, I'm not saying it's not justified.  If you are a WNBA player and you resent Caitlin Clark, it makes perfect sense because she's white and she's the golden girl that's considered the marketing savior for the sport.  Yes, they were talking about chartered flights before she came along and opened her mouth, but shortly after Caitlin Clark opened her mouth you had chartered flights, and you ain't had them in two decades.  She's got that kind of influence, that kind of power.

I wasn't trying to say that women - black, white and everything in between associated with the WNBA was wrong and shouldn't feel resentment after all that hard work you put in, to pound the pavement and be the great players that you are, and the great basketball ambassadors that you are.  What you've done for this sport, of course you should be resentful!  Of course you should!  What I'm saying is, "don't be blind."  There's an opening.  Exploit it.  Rather than be resentful, envious, jealous, whatever word is applicable, notice the opening.  

Caitlin Clark is bringing more attention.  When you get on the court with her and you perform and somehow, someway, you'll find a way to attach yourself to that level of magnetism that she surely has, who knows what could be out there for you?  And if suddenly the maximum salary goes from $250,000 to $450,000, and suddenly you're on chartered jets instead of commercial flights, and suddenly you're maximizing the potential of your name, image and likeness [NIL], what do you care?  At the end of the day, the rising tide lifts all boats.


It has everything to do with the industry.  If I'm an NBA player and I just won a championship and somebody who didn't win gets $50 million a year doing what I do, what do you think I'm going to think I'm worth?  See how simple it is?  It's capitalism!  It's marketability!  It's taking advantage of the moment!  That's business!  Why be resentful of any of them?...  What is wrong with people?  How do you not see that?


Just in case resentment, jealousy, envy or whatever it is is applicable - because I don't know what it is - just in case, all I'm saying is, "Hold up, ladies.  There's an opportunity here.  Go for it.  Let that girl shine.  I'm not talking about on the court: compete against her and try to take her out.  Try to beat her.  I get that part.  But I'm talking about, let that girl shine marketing wise.  Let her get her bag.  Find a way to maximize off of it and create an opening for yourself so you can get yours.  That's the American way.  Hell, that's the global way.

~ Stephen A. Smith, "Some players are just resentful of Caitlin Clark. Call it!," 13:45 mark, June 4, 2024

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