Jun 23, 2024

Alan Futerman on Israeli attempts to limit civilian casualties in Gaza

Israel, it's been what, six months into the operation and they killed 24,000 of which 14,000 are Hamas terrorists.  And so it's obvious that Israel is doing whatever it can in order to reduce civilian casualties.  Because, of course, any person of goodwill in the world don't want to see people dying and war is horrible, and what is going on is terrible.  It's a human tragedy, of course, but who is responsible for that?  It's Hamas...  It's obvious that the official policy of the state of Israel is not to commit genocide.  Figures prove it.  But it is the official policy of Hamas to commit genocide.

~ Alan Futerman, "THE CASE FOR ISRAEL - FULL SHOW," Visions of Freedom, 3:12:10 mark, June 11, 2024

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