May 18, 2024

Alan Futerman on anti-Zionism and antisemitism

You could say that anti-Zionism is different from anti-Semitism, but now, after the state of Israel exists and you have one-third of the Jewish people living in Israel - more even - and it's the Jewish state and you read the Jewish books and the Jewish calendar is followed and the Jewish language is spoken and every Jew is related in one way or another with the state of Israel, etc., you cannot be against the only Jewish state in the world and not be antisemitic.  So I think the distinction has to be made between those things: to say, "ok, theoretically you could be anti-Zionist without being antisemitic," but today the practical consequences of making the state of Israel to disappear would be the mass murder of an important part of the Jewish people.

~ Alan Futerman, "Is Zionism a Libertarian Movement?," (interview with Gilad Alper), 1:16:00 mark, May 18, 2024

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