Dec 31, 2023

Norman Finkelstein on how many young Jews are opposing Israel's war on the people of Gaza

You look at what the evidence shows, not based on biased sources or naturally-biased sources, but on the available evidence.  And I tried to be a strict adherent of the two principles of truth and justice and that's where I landed.  And I think frankly that's where most of the world has landed and it's also, incidentally but not trivially, it's where a large part of the young Jewish population has landed.  If you go to the demonstrations now, the ones that have garnered the headlines, say the one in Grand Central Station, it was overwhelmingly Jewish.  It was all organized by Jewish organizations, young people mostly, but not entirely.  The Statue of Liberty demonstration: again, it was Jewish young people who organized the demonstration.  So this idea that it's somehow polarized ethnically is belied by the facts.

Now I will wholeheartedly admit that when I first started out we were a handful of people, Jews who opposed what Israel was doing.  But the spectrum has radically changed in recent years.  I'm just one among a large number, a sea of Jews who oppose what's going on, not because they're self-hating, not because they're indifferent to the faith of Israelis, but because the evidence is overwhelming.

You started out by saying you're not knowledgeable about the topic.  Fair enough.  There are 10,000 topics I'm not knowledgeable about and where you have much more knowledge, I'm quite certain of that.  But this is not a particularly complicated situation right now.  The Israeli government is openly, unabashedly, flagrantly, blatantly - it's declared a war of genocide on the people of Gaza.

~ Norman Finkelstein, "Israel vs. Palestine with Norman Finkelstein," 8:10 mark, November 17, 2023

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