Dec 31, 2023

Bezalel Smotrich on a one-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict

[A]s Jews, we ought not give up our national aspiration for an independent state in the Land of Israel—the only Jewish state in the world.  As such, the party that will have to give up its aspiration to realize a national identity in the Land of Israel is the Arab one.  The reason we are condemned to a never-ending cycle of bloodshed is that nobody dares voice this simple statement.  Nevertheless, only in this declaration lies the key that can unlock the door to real peace. 

Ending the conflict means creating and cementing the awareness—practically and politically—that there is room for only one expression of national self-determination west of the Jordan River: that of the Jewish nation.  Subsequently, an Arab State actualizing Arab national aspirations cannot emerge within the same territory.  Victory involves shelving this dream.  And as motivation for its fulfillment dwindles, so will the terror campaign against Israel. 

This goal will be achieved even with declarations—with an unequivocal Israeli statement to the Arabs and the entire world that a Palestinian State will not emerge—but primarily with deeds.  It requires the application of full Israeli sovereignty to the heartland regions of Judea and Samaria, and end of conflict by settlement in the form of establishing new cities and settlements deep inside the territory and bringing hundreds of thousands of additional settlers to live therein.  This process will make it clear to all that the reality in Judea and Samaria is irreversible, that the State of Israel is here to stay, and that the Arab dream of a state in Judea and Samaria is no longer viable.  Victory by settlement will imprint the understanding upon the consciousness of the Arabs and the world that an Arab state will never arise in this land.

Based on this unequivocal starting point, the Arabs of the Land of Israel will face two basic alternatives:
  1. Those who wish to forgo their national aspirations can stay here and live as individuals in the Jewish State; they will of course enjoy all the benefits that the Jewish State has brought and is bringing to the Land of Israel.  We will discuss the status and living management of those who choose this option in more detail below.
  2. Those who choose not to let go of their national ambitions will receive aid to emigrate to one of the many countries where Arabs realize their national ambitions, or to any other destination in the world.
It is of course safe to assume that not everyone will adopt one of these two choices.  There will be those who will continue to choose another "option"—continuing to fight the IDF, the State of Israel, and the Jewish population.  Such terrorists will be dealt with by the security forces with a strong hand and under more manageable conditions for doing so.


From a historic, international and religious perspective, the Zionist project of the return of the Jewish People to its land after two thousand years of exile, wandering, and persecution, is the most just and moral undertaking or enterprise to have taken place in the past several centuries.  We are not the U.N., and under no compulsion to assume that we are dealing with two narratives equal in justice and arguments.  Our belief in the justice of our cause is what gives us the moral strength to defeat the conflicting Arab aspiration.

~ Bezalel Smotrich, vice chairman of the Knesset, "Israel's Decisive Plan," Hashiloach, September 7, 2017

(As of 2023, Smotrich served as Finance Minister.)

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