Dec 23, 2023

Anonymous Israeli man on why a one-state solution is untenable

Q: Would you agree with the Palestinians for one state for all?

A: No.

Q: Why?

A: Because in my view, they have a high birthrate and they will be the majority in the country.

Q: What is bad about that?

A: They will take away control.

Q: Okay, let's say that happens.  That can't be fair to the Jews?

A: It won't happen.  They will dominate the entire country, will give preference to themselves, and in the end they will expel us.

Q: You think it will get to that?

A: I am certain.

~ anonymous Israeli man, "Israelis: What do you think of the one state solution?," The Ask Project, 0:10 mark, February 16, 2022

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