Jul 19, 2023

Walter Block on prostitution

Some of these things should be stigmatized.  We shouldn't use heroin.  Heroin is not good.  I'm against using heroin and I'm against prostitution.  Look, I have a wife.  I have a mother; well, she's passed away.  I have a sister, a daughter.  I wouldn't want any of them to be a prostitute.  I think prostitution is very bad.  So I want it to remain stigmatized.  I want young people to be told, "Don't engage in prostitution.  There are better ways of relating with each other."  I'm sort of conservative in that way.  So I don't really want to destigmatize it, but I don't want prostitutes to be arrested, because that would violate the non-aggression principle.  I want to promote liberty.

~ Walter Block, "Defending the Undefendable - Walter Block Returns!," interview with The Politicrat, 12:30 mark

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