Feb 2, 2023

Donald Trump: "I'm the father of the vaccine"

They want me to do public service messages and everything about everybody taking the vaccine and look, I guess in a certain way I'm the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it.  To get it done in less than 9 months was a miracle.  Fauci said it would take 3 to 5 years.  He thought it was something that just wouldn't be that effective because it would take so long to get.

I pushed the FDA like they have never been pushed before.  I wouldn't exactly say they're in love with me.  This is a very bureaucratic organization.  I pushed them like they've never been pushed before and that's why we have it.  When they did the pause on Johnson & Johnson, I thought that was a very very stupid thing to do.

~ Donald Trump, Fox Business interview, April 29, 2021

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