Jan 29, 2023

Kevin Duffy on China's culture vs. its government

While China’s one-party rule is not a system I would want to live under, America’s two-party democratic system comes with its own design flaws: constant political fights over the spoils of big government, costly election circuses every four years, and the divisiveness and binary thinking fomented by voters forced to choose sides.  For all of its political defects, the Chinese have created a culture that values education, hard work, saving and entrepreneurship.  Its people succeed everywhere they immigrate to, despite harsh discrimination in many cases.  China boasts the largest middle class in the world (and growing), understands the value of trade (win-win), thinks long-term and has largely avoided the suicidal woke energy policies of the West.

~ Kevin Duffy, The Coffee Can Portfolio, p. 21, January 24, 2023

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