Dec 28, 2022

Dan Ferris on Cathie Wood begging for lower interest rates

There's an underlying point [in Cathie Wood's letter to the Fed] and it kind of credits the Federal Reserve with being able to control things from the top down simply by cutting interest rates again.  It's like cutting interest rates is some magic panacea that just makes everything better.  And what people don't realize [is that] cutting interest rates down to zero the way they did is what got us into all the crap that is now unfolding.  If you don't do that in the first place, you don't get all of this bear market, worst year in the bond market since 1788, etc., etc., etc.  If you don't get the inflation of the bubble, the blowing up of the bubble, on the upside, you don't have to put up with the exploding and the popping of it on the downside...  I think the Fed meddling and meddling and meddling is part of the problem.  And she didn't say for the Fed to be abolished and get out of the markets.  She basically credited them with the ability to make it all better by lowering rates.  And I totally disagree with that.

~ Dan Ferris, "Out Mailbag Is Full, Thanks to You," Stansberry Investor Hour, 48:00 mark, December 26, 2022

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