Nov 20, 2022

Jeffrey Tucker on market forces revealing reality

I like markets most when they tell the truth.  Politicians don't.  Bureaucrats don't.  Media does not.  But market forces, they can be tricked for a very long time, but in the end there's a hard wall: it's called economic law.  And the numbers in the end have to add up.  So there's nothing Washington can do about this.  We're going to see the truth and I'm excited about these times.  As you say, it's going to be painful, but I'm glad for it because you don't want to live in a world of leverage and fraud and fakery forever living off perpetual motion machines that are going to die out.

~ Jeffrey Tucker, "FTX cryptocurrency scandal is just the beginning," Will Cain Podcast, 28:30 mark, November 15, 2022

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