Aug 29, 2022

Vanity Fair on Warren Buffett's praise of George W. Bush for the 2008 Wall Street bailout

The lifelong Democrat, who recently announced that he was donating the majority of his wealth to the Gates Foundation, came under fire for a New York Times op-ed piece he wrote in November thanking the Bush administration for the Wall Street bailout.  "I felt that they deserved thanks," he tells [Bethany] McLean.  "People should see that the government can do things right."  He adds, "I may not have convinced anyone, but it should mean something when I say George Bush was right!"  Bush’s September 2008 declaration "If money isn’t loosened up, this sucker could go down!" Buffett calls "the 10 most immortal words in the history of economics."

~ Vanity Fair, Bethany McLean interview, January 5, 2011

Buffett with Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson

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