Feb 20, 2022

Charlie Munger on the rise of Hitler

What brought in Hitler was the combination of the Weimar inflation where they utterly destroyed the savings of the middle class in Germany followed by the Great Depression.  It was a one-two punch.  And Hitler came in - crazy demagogue - with 40% of the votes and pretty soon we had a dictator hell-bent for world war.  So the history [of inflation] is not pleasant.  And Germany was a very advanced and civilized nation, the Germany that Hitler took over.  Now I always say that the interesting thing about that was little Albert Einstein, a little Jewish boy, got his entire primary education with the insistence of the Catholic Church in Germany.  Now that is a very civilized nation.  So if you let your nation deteriorate too much, what you get is a Hitler.

~ Charlie Munger, Yahoo Finance interview with Andy Serwer, 5:00 mark, February 16, 2022

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