Dec 19, 2021

Daniel McAdams on the evil empire in DC

Jeff Deist: There is a tremendous amount of hubris in the West today.  The whole world has to share our principles and our form of governance, essentially social democracy.  And this should be maintained through international governance in the form of the United Nations or the World Bank or whatever.  From my perspective this is just the twenty-first-century version of imperialism and colonialism.  It is ideological colonialism.

Daniel McAdams: Yes, and worse because we can kill a lot more people a lot quicker.  The people that jump on the bandwagon, "We've got to do this, we've got to overthrow X," you are living in a country whose foreign policy and military leadership are responsible for the deaths of millions.  You have a president who just droned a family and then lied about it, started wars, who's now holding nearly a hundred people in a gulag in DC because they happened to set foot in the Capitol building on January 6.  This is one of the most repressive regimes in the world, and if you doubt that, step out of line.

~ Daniel McAdams, "All the Trouble in the World," The Austrian, November-December 2021

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