Oct 24, 2021

Martin Kulldorf on vaccines and vaccine mandates

Well, first of all, vaccines is one of the greatest inventions of mankind. I would put it together with the wheel and the plow and the writing as one of the top 10 most important inventions which has saved millions and millions of lives throughout the ages. And if you are old and you haven’t had COVID, then I would urge you immediately to go and get vaccinated, it’s very, very important. COVID is a serious disease for older people, it is much higher risk than an annual influenza for example, so I think that’s an important message to send to anybody who is old and haven’t had this disease should go and get vaccinated from one of the three approved vaccines in the US or another vaccine in other countries. 

A huge problem with mandate is that we have many people who have already had COVID. They have immunity. We have known for over a year that if you’ve had COVID, you have strong lasting immunity to this disease and we now know more recently that the immunity from having had COVID is stronger and more durable than the immunity get from vaccines. So if you’ve had COVID but now people, even though they’re had COVID, they are mandated to get the vaccines, that makes zero sense from a scientific point of view, and it makes zero sense from a public health point of view. 

But it’s worse than that, it actually creates problems because when people see that they are forced to take a vaccine that they don’t need because they already are immune then that causes a lot of distrust in public health. And we have seen during this last year and a half that all the hard work we’ve done over many decades to build trust in vaccines are now disappearing because we’ve making these mandates that makes no sense from a scientific or public health perspective and I’ll go into that more in detail as we move along today.

~ Dr. Martin Kulldorf, "Lockdowns, Mandates, and Natural Immunity: Kulldorff vs. Offit," Brownstone Institute, October 6, 2021

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