Oct 27, 2021

Bill Bonner on complacency about inflation

Bonner: I do think though that this period of, let's say, still calm inflation, this period where prices are going up (and some places they're going up a lot), but they're not going up as we might expect for money printing the way it's going on.  I think that that's a fake out on the part of the whole system.  It leads the Democratic Party - not just the Democrats, but Republicans, too - to think that they can raise that debt ceiling one more time and keep spending, spending, spending.  That is their plan and nobody ever questions it.  Nobody ever really questions, "How does this work?  Where does this money come from?"

Ferris: Where are all the loud voices of dissent about all of this spending?  They're gone.

Bonner: They're gone.  It's all become a political issue, not an economic issue.  Nobody doubts that you can do this from an economic standpoint, but the question is whether you can get away with it politically, which is a whole other issue.

~ Bill Bonner, "Preparing for the 'Zombie Apocalypse' with Bill Bonner," Stansberry Investor Hour, 25:35 mark, September 23, 2021

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