Sep 13, 2021

Joe Murphy on twin threats to freedom: 9/11 and Covid

9/11 did not wake up Americans to the danger they faced in a corrupt and despotic government that could create money out of thin air, fund whatever wars they wanted, perpetrate heinous crimes in full view, and brainwash millions to believe that it is all for their good when in fact all of those things are threats and detrimental to freedom and peace. It didn’t wake Americans up. It did the opposite. People embraced the national governments call to action to punish those they blamed, to wage war on Iraq and Afghanistan based on completely false claims, to wage an endless “Global War on Terror” to allow government more power in the National ID act, the Homeland Security Act, the Military Commission Act, and so on. Americans didn’t wake up, they cheered on the despots, dutifully complied to more restraints on their freedom. Americans yawned and went back to work. 

Twenty years later, 2021. The despots are marching to a pre-planned and choreographed script. It is in full view and the propaganda machine is well oiled and more insidious and powerful than it ever was in 2001. Those that study history and the lessons of history can see the step by step march that bring us to the tyranny that we are experiencing in the name of Covid19 not only since 9/11 but since the ratification of the Constitution of these united States of America. At this juncture we are not just facing some more tyrannical government agencies, a few more losses of freedom, and a call for more foreign wars. We are facing the loss of all of our freedoms: The right to control your own body, the right to private property, the right to travel, the right to converse freely, the right to buy and sell, and even the right to make a living.

~ Joe Murphy, "What Was 9/11 Then and What Is It Today?,", September 13, 2021

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