Jul 4, 2021

Doug Casey on mixing ideology and investing

I expect general financial, economic, and social conditions to be scary and unpleasant in the coming years.  They’ll be very tough to navigate for people who don’t have a grounding in economics and the markets. 

For one thing, we’ll see the moral and intellectual battle intensify between free marketeers and statists, between capitalists and socialists.  I’m an anarchocapitalist, with very well-defined views on these matters.  But it’s important not to confuse ideology with investment.  A socialist sees government intervention as “good,” a libertarian sees it as “bad,” but a speculator doesn’t clutter his mind with opinions.  A speculator doesn’t pass moral judgment on the way things are.  He tries to maintain a scientific “value free” approach.  His object is to make money, not make a political statement.

~ Doug Casey, "Doug Casey on How You Can Think and Act Like a Speculator," International Man, July 3, 2021

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