Jul 16, 2021

Curt Howland on government and the lust to dominate

There have always been, are, and always will be, people who suffer from the mental illness known as Libido Dominandi, the “lust to dominate.”  Psychopaths who will do anything, say anything, to get what they want. Such people gravitate to government because it is through the state that their domination is given the illusion of legitimacy, where they can hit people and take their stuff all day long, and get away with it. 

Psychopaths in government have had six thousand years of hitting people and taking their stuff to come up with a raft of excuses and rationalizations to justify their Libido Dominandi.  The best minds have been hired to write histories which glorify those in government, celebrate their mass murder, rationalize their predation, and to then teach it to children so when those children grow up they will continue to obey.

~ Curt Howland, "Why is libertarian philosophy unpopular?," Quora, June 15, 2021

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