May 16, 2021

Chris Mayer on social media and investing

How has social media, for example, changed investing? 

It seems impossible that the whole GameStop episode happens in a world without social media… which allowed users to organize in a way and at a speed that would’ve been impossible in the days before the internet.  Certainly, stock prices have diverged from “reality” before.  But to this extent? 

What kind of effect does Twitter have on people?  Investing is a long game.  It requires patience and discipline and being able to put up with droughts of performance.  It is hard.  How much harder is it today just because of our media? 

Or does it make it, in some ways, easier?  I know I have made many valuable contacts (and friends) through Twitter.  I have been able to tap expertise I would not have been able to find otherwise, or at least, it would’ve been much harder.  We share ideas and research.  These interactions have been enormously beneficial for me.

~ Chris Mayer, "The Medium is the Message," Woodlock House Family Capital blog, March 26, 2021

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