Mar 29, 2021

Judy Mikovits on Covid vaccines

I showed solutions, which is what we're always trying to do and show a technology called “breakthrough genomics,” which this company used machine learning to look at full-length, full-genome sequences, not just proteins but looking at introns where you can see who's going to be most susceptible in the entire type one interferon pathway, who's going to be most susceptible with certain single nucleotide polymorphism in ACE2 receptors.  We can, we do have the technology to see who's susceptible from severe effects.  It will be a huge part of the population, and again, one size clearly doesn't fit all in any vaccine strategy.  But forcing a chemotherapy and a gene therapy on an entire population where millions of Americans, millions of people worldwide will die and will get these deadly diseases like ITP.  We know this.  The scientific community knows this, and not only is it being censored but our careers or our lives are being destroyed if we dare talk about this.

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