Jan 10, 2021

Gad Saad on the Left vs. Right attacks on truth

I would argue that the types of nonsense that the Right and Life espouse - the attacks on truth - are not equivalent in how poisonous they are.  Let me explain why.  The Right might reject a particular theory, whereas that we know is true.  A scientific theory. Say we reject evolution because... whatever, our Christian beliefs.  But on the other hand, the Left has completely rejected the possibility that truth even exists.  So one of the idea pathogens that I discuss in the book - the grand-daddy of all idea pathogens - is false modernism.  False modernism is the "philosophical movement" that argues that there are no objective truths.  Right?  Everything is shackled by subjectivity.  Everything is shackled by your own personal biases.  There is no such thing as truth. 

Well, as you might imagine that's very disconcerting to a scientist because we do wake up every morning thinking that there are truths to be uncovered.  We do use the scientific method thinking that we're going to make some contribution to some greater truth.  Now, of course, truth can change.  Right?  What was truth in science 300 years ago may need updating.   That's why we talk about provisional truths in science.   But the epistemological attack on truth - the fact that Left or some Leftists negate even the possibility that truth exists - that strikes me as profoundly more nefarious as an idea pathogen than anything coming from the Right.

~ Gad Saad, "How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense," Stansberry Investor Hour, October 8, 2020

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