Nov 10, 2020

Gad Saad on the anomaly of the West

What made the West the anomalous, wonderful experiment that it was - and I am almost speaking in the past tense - is that it had a set of values, a set of approaches to adjudicating the truth to glorifying individual dignity, to rejecting identity politics, to supporting freedom of speech. It had a set of values that served as a protective belt that rendered the West to be the truly anomalous and unique human... and the reason I say anomalous is because throughout human history, the freedoms that are enshrined in the West - the enlightenment that is enshrined in the West - is not something that is a common feature in human history. It's truly an anomalous reality. 

And as someone who comes from the Middle East, as someone who has escaped identity politics when taken to the extreme, who has escaped superstition, who has escaped vile hatred of the other - in this case, I was the other - it breaks my heart to see that we are regressing. Ideas that we defeated through the scientific revolution and through the enlightenment are now the ideas that one of the two parties in the US - and certainly in Canada - is the central feature of their platforms...

Most people are intellectually lazy...  So take your time.  Get to know the positions.  Arm yourself with knowledge and then hopefully make the right decisions to hopefully protect the West for your children and theirs.

~ Gad Saad, "How Infectious Ideas are Killing Common Sense," 52:30 mark, Stansberry Investor Hour, October 8, 2020

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