Aug 17, 2020

Vasko Kohlmayer on the decline of black communities

This is not to deny that large parts of the black community are plagued by severe pathologies and ills. But these are certainly not the result of discrimination. The seventy five percent illegitimacy rate and the decadent black street culture are among some of the root causes of the black predicament. The chances of a child born to a single mother who grows up in the grip of black street culture – as so many black children do – to become an upright, well-adjusted human being who can lead a fulfilling life are virtually zero. This, we would suggest, is the real driver of the black crisis. In other words, the problems that plague the black demographic are moral in nature and not a consequence of racism.

~ Vasko Kohlmayer, "The Real Target of 'Anti-Racism' Protests: Western Civilization and its Values,", August 17, 2020

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