Aug 8, 2020

Eric Peters compares the coronavirus response to the Hong Kong flu in 1968

Why wasn’t the country locked down in 1968, every American pressured to wear a Face Diaper? There was a bad flu in the air that year – the Hong Kong Flu. But there were journalists in those days, not Fear Organ grinders – and they reported the facts and the context.

Flu can kill – then and now. But it doesn’t kill everyone or even most everyone and so everyone doesn’t need to take the same precautions; nor does it justify universal impositions – for the same reason that it would be silly and even vicious (because humiliating) to enforce a “mandate” that everyone who goes near a pool must wear a life preserver at all times – including people who can swim.

Today, the not-sick are forced to wear a Face Diaper. It amounts to the same humiliation.

~ Eric Peters, "An Aspect of the Con," Eric Peters Autos, August 7, 2020

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