Jul 23, 2020

Doug Casey on the appeal of AOC

[G]etting back to millennials, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), and people like her, are both the current reality and the future of the Democratic Party — and of the US itself.

Why? It’s irrational to make a 30-year-old barmaid into an icon. But she’s cute, vivacious, outspoken, and has a plan to remake the country. And she’s shrewd. She knows how to capitalize on envy and resentment. She realized she could win by ringing doorbells in her district, where voter turnout was very low, and about 70% are non-white. There was zero motivation for residents to turn out for the tired, corrupt, old hack of a white man she ran against.

~ Doug Casey, "Doug Casey on Why This Election Could Be the Most Important Since the U.S. Civil War," LewRockwell.com, July 23, 2020

AOC should leave the Democratic Party (opinion) - CNN

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