May 6, 2020

Lord Sumption on life vs. government shutdowns over the coronavirus

What sort of life do we think we are protecting? There is more to life than the avoidance of death. Life is a drink with friends. Life is a crowded football match or a live concert. Life is a family celebration with children and grandchildren. Life is companionship, an arm around one's back, laughter or tears shared at less than two metres. These things are not just optional extras. They are life itself. They are fundamental to our humanity, to our existence as social beings.

~ Lord Sumption, former U.K. Supreme Court judge, "Locking up the elderly until coronavirus is defeated is a cruel mockery of basic human values: Former Supreme Court judge LORD SUMPTION gives a withering critique of the Government's lockdown,", May 2, 2020

LORD SUMPTION: What kind of relationship do we want with the State?

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