Mar 29, 2020

Jeffrey Tucker on the coronavirus panic

Consider this. On Thursday March 26, [New York governor Andrew] Cuomo dared question the orthodoxy that has wrecked countless businesses and lives. He revealed what actual experts are saying quietly all over the world but had yet not been discussed openly in the endless public-relations spin broadcast all day and night.


It’s true that anyone following the unfolding fiasco and the gradually emerging data behind it knows that Cuomo is right. The response has not been modern and scientific. It has been medieval and mystical. The theory behind the policy has been nothing but a panicked cry of run and hide before the noxious gas gets you. Lacking reliable data – which is the fault of the CDC and FDA – we replaced knowledge with power.

~ Jeffrey Tucker, "We Were Wrong: So Sorry That We Ruined Your Life,", March 28, 2020

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