Sep 27, 2021

Doug Casey on how to protect against government overreach

Q: Almost every government and country in the world is going in the wrong direction from a personal freedom standpoint. 

And if the last two years have been an indication, the situation could get much worse before it gets better. 

How can individuals limit the impact of government overreach in their day-to-day lives? 

A: The first thing is to become self-employed. You don’t want a job where you’re dependent on somebody else—or worse, some organization. The bigger the organization, the less relative importance you have, and the more danger you’re in. 

Assess your resources and abilities and try to become an entrepreneur. The world has an unlimited desire for goods and services; an entrepreneur figures out how to satisfy them. It takes thought, knowledge, and hard work—but there’s unlimited upside. An employee, by contrast, just does what he’s told for a wage. Most are easily replaceable cubicle dwellers these days. Being an employee is both high risk and low reward.

~ Doug Casey, "Doug Casey's Top 3 Actionable Tips on How You Can Get Out of Dodge," International Man, September 20, 2021

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