Oct 15, 2020

Tom Woods on obedience to the scientific priesthood

So of course no expert can tell if the costs are worth the benefits because no expert can know your value scale. So when people say, "we need to listen to the experts," as they urge us to dismantle everything that makes a society function and brings people joy, they have no idea what they are talking about. This is a philosophical question, not one that a scientific source would have the standing to answer. Unfortunately science, for some people, is not an ongoing search for the truth, and whose findings can help us make good decisions, it's a kind of priesthood. And whatever scientists tell us about anything, no matter how far removed from their areas of expertise, these people will obey. And the dangers of that should be obvious.

~ Tom Woods, "The Fact-Free COVID Dystopia," 38:00 mark, Mises Institute speech in Jeckyll Island, George, October 8-10

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