[Israeli woman's parents were displaced by Israeli government because they couldn't show a deed of ownership.]
Q: So did your parents protest?
Q: So how did you resist the Israeli government?
A: Well, I'm an actress so I spoke about it. I went to teach children, the 1st and 2nd grade. I twice tried to reach the Knesset who didn't help shit. Sorry. I write about it on my Facebook. When there is a complicated situation, I talk about it. I talk to Palestinians. I talk to people and I make sure they know that I care for them as much as I care for my safety as well. I want to cry because I'm scared when I run to shelters, but I know...
Q: Because missiles are coming from Gaza.
A: Of course. I lost a friend in a bombing when I was 15 and I felt this pain.
Q: Palestinian bombing.
A: Palestinian bombing, sorry. Here in Tel Aviv. My grandfather's brother was slaughtered by terrorists in Jerusalem. I was in the army.
Q: Palestinian terrorists.
A: Yeah, Palestinians. We just want to live. I don't want peace. I don't want peace. I want them to have a life. I want them to have too much to lose, to care for their life. I want them to care and for that they need education. And they do, they're entitled of resisting and there is occupation, but there's also terror. And you cannot just skip it. There's a lot of violence. And if you ask most Palestinians, all they want is jobs, they want schools, they want to have their privileges in a home that is their own. And I don't have the answers. That's why I am an actress and bodybuilder and not a politician. But I know that us, the people, we suffer the most and they [the Palestinians] are entitled. And so am I!
~ Israeli woman, "Israelis: Do Palestinians have a right to resist occupation?," The Ask Project, 1:25 mark, April 30, 2022
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