Oct 15, 2023

Omar Baddar on Israeli human right abuses towards Palestinians

There's all these announcements about they're [Israeli Defense Forces] going to do everything they can to avoid civilian casualties.  It is really worth emphasizing here that Israel has bombed Gaza many, many times before and Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International and even Israeli human rights organizations like B'Tselem say that this is not at all what Israel's conduct is.  There isn't an effort to minimize civilian casualties.  There is mass indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas and frankly, we're watching that unfold right now as well.  The policy is essentially to punish the entire Palestinian population, cutting off electricity to all of Gaza, preventing anyone in Gaza from coming in and out.  This is an act of collective punishment and this is exactly the trajectory that we unfortunately are on.  I think we are going to see much greater death that's going to cover the entire Gaza strip and at the end of it, Palestinians are going to remain a population that is captive and under an illegal seige, as recognized by the U.N.  And we're only setting ourselves up towards another round of this in the future.  

What we need right now is the world community to come together and start dealing with this issue seriously, understanding that this policy of giving Israel carte blanche to behave however it wants towards Palestinians is not a way to actually achieve long-lasting peace.  You can't keep doing the same thing over and over againd and expecting a different result.  The one thing that has not been tried so far is allowing Palestinians to be free of Israeli occupation and military dictatorship.  Until we start taking Palestinian grievances seriously, until Israel starts seeing Palestinians as equal human beings who are deserving of the same human rights and decency and dignity that Israelis enjoy, I'm afraid we're going to be stuck in this situation for a very, very long time.

~ Omar Baddar, Palestinian-American Middle East analyst, CNN interview, 3:25 mark, October 9, 2023

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