Aug 19, 2019

Ed Bugos on the delusion of democracy

So many good people believe that good can be achieved through the political means, using the blunt end of collective force.  This is the great delusion and the myth of democracy that we live under today.  All through history the State has been a bad actor.  The exploiter.  The conqueror.  Nothing much good has been written about any state, at least not before the USSA was invented.  By restricting government, if only for a few years, the market system was able to create a theretofore unprecedented amount of wealth.  Indeed, so much wealth that it will still take decades of socialism to destroy - this is despite the fact that progressivism and interventionism have marched on for a century weaving the fabric of democracy, i.e., that ideological cloak where we are supposed to think we control government because we get a vote.  This is delusion folks, total delusion.  The apparatus itself was designed for exploitation (see Oppenheimer).  And so democracy truly is the god that failed, from the outset.  You just don't know it yet.

~ Ed Bugos, August 19, 2019

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