Aug 2, 2010

Jim Rogers on remembering the context of earnings season comparisons

I think some of it is expectation management as you put it out, but remember what the comparisons were, we are talking about the second quarter of 2009, when the world essentially was coming to an end. Remember, at the end of 2008, beginning of 2009 we all thought the world had ended. The markets hit bottom in March 2009, well those were the comparisons we were up against. So things are actually better then people were expecting, but they should have looked back to see what the comparisons were and remember, the governments were spending huge amounts of money and that money has been flowing into the system in the last couple of quarters. Worry about next year, don`t worry about the second quarter now, that's history.

~ Jim Rogers, investor, CNBC interview, July 27th, 2010

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