Feb 13, 2008

Lila Rajiva on the Bush stimulus bill

After a wild orgy of spending, rate-cutting, war-’n-waste, what’s the responsible thing to do?

Why, more of the same!

Yep. Seems what the American people need is more stimulation…not less.

And to think all along, we’ve been laboring under the delusion that the population was already as overstimulated as a cage of parakeets on speed. We thought they needed haldol, not stimulation. There was too much lending… too much spending… too many houses… too many mortgages… too much debt… too much speculation… too much war… too much waste… too much consumption… too many deals…too many Goldman Sachs bankers on the fed payroll… too many orange alerts…too much patting down at airports… too much fear-mongering…too many Trump mansions…too much celebrity blather…too many Brittany Spears court appearances…

But now we know better.

There weren’t enough.

~ Lila Rajiva, "Goldman Sachs Watch: Bush's $168 Billion Morning-After Pill," LilaRajiva.com, February 9, 2008

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